NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System keys
You can only drive your vehicle using the master keys which are registered to the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System components in your vehicle.
The master key can be used for all the locks.
Never leave these keys in the vehicle.
Additional or replacement keys:
If you still have a key, the key number is not necessary when you need extra NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System keys. Your dealer can duplicate your existing key. This is because the registration process will erase the memory of all key codes previously registered into the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System.
Do not allow the immobilizer system key, which contains an electrical transponder, to come into contact with salt water. This could affect system function.
See also:
Training procedure
The procedure for training a voice is as follows.
1. Position the vehicle in a reasonably quiet
outdoor location.
2. Sit in the driver’s seat with the engine running,
the parking brake on, and ...
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Both NISSAN and your NISSAN dealer are dedicated to serving all your
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