Altima in the Market

Though it's subtle, Nissan's redesign of the Altima — its most popular model and the sixth-best-selling car in the U.S. last year — is significant, which is nothing less than what was needed in the intensely competitive midsize sedan segment. There's not a deal breaker in the Altima for us, which makes it easy to recommend if you're shopping for a car to satisfy your split selves — the part of you that needs a responsible family sedan, along with the selfish part that wants an entertaining, sporty car.

    See also:

    Zone variation change procedure
    Zone map The difference between magnetic north and geographical north is known as variance. In some areas, this difference can sometimes be great enough to cause false compass readings. Foll ...

    Drive belt
    1. Power steering fluid pump. 2. Generator. 3. Air conditioner compressor. 4. Crankshaft pulley. WARNING: Be sure the ignition switch is in the OFF or LOCK position before servicing drive bel ...

    How to use the STATUS button
    To display the status of the audio, climate control system and fuel consumption, press the STATUS button. The following information will appear when the STATUS button is pressed multiple times: ...